Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bla Bla Bla...

I've been blogging and jogging now for just over a month and I'm excited. I started jogging a few days before I started the blog and I am now jogging my mile with ease and have upped my speed as well. I am also very faithful with doing it every morning of the week except Sunday. I've only missed maybe two other days from that. I started jogging at a slow 4.5 pace on my treadmill and a 1% incline and that was hard for me. I am now jogging half my mile at a 4.7 and the rest at a 5. When I first started, a 5 was way too hard for me and now it feels great! All-in-all I am feeling really good and I keep debating about whether or not to up my length or just stay at my mile and keep improving my speed and incline. I'm loving doing a mile every, single day because I know I will do it. I can always find 15 minutes a day to work out and don't have any excuses. In the past when I would say I was going to work out for a half hour or an hour and then didn't find the time, I would get frustrated and usually stop all together after a couple of weeks. Right now if I do a mile, every single day, I'm jogging 6 miles a week no matter what. I've also been researching and reading a lot about how good it is to workout 15 minutes a day and how much it can change your health and weight. I'm not sure what to do but right now I'm just sticking with the mile. That's what feels good and I know I can stick with. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I think I'm also going to try an interval running that Amanda was telling me about that is a 12 minute run but apparently you go super fast and then slow and then fast (something like that) but it kicks your butt and is supposed to be equivalent to an hour long workout. I need to read the details still but it sounds good to me.

Anyhoo, Maci has been being completely ignored this past week. I thought I might be pregnant because I was feeling SO tired and unmotivated. Needless to say, the little pink line did not appear on the pee test and then I came down with a head cold, which explained it all. I just hadn't been feeling great and with the cold weather hitting us out of nowhere as well, all I've wanted to do is cuddle up in front of my fireplace with a good movie and do nothing. That's not all I've done, but that's all I've wanted to do. I have a really good plan though that I'm going to do with Maci soon that I know will keep me motivated. More to come... I just need to get feeling better and then I'll get back on track. Bla bla bla bla...I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

You kick ass! I need to take a lesson from you! You're doing GREAT!