Thursday, November 5, 2009


I decided to wait and start my Isagenix cleanse after all of this moving and work was over with. I cleansed on Monday but was so tired and drained by the end of the day and I felt sick as a dog on top of it. Then I decided since this week is so chaotic with us moving out of our model and I had SO much to do that I need a lot of energy for, I am going to wait until we're done.
The last three days we have worked all day long moving and hauling stuff to the dump and back and forth to storage and bla bla bla...Needless to say, I literally have hardly stopped all week. We finally got everything ready yesterday for the garge sale that takes place tomorrow and Saturday so now today I will spend it getting caught up on my own house work and laundry since I will be working all weekend. But in the midst of everything, I have still been jogging and have been eating a lot better as well. I also saw the doctor on Monday and he had me do a blood test and put me on the medication I needed to get my hormones in line so hopefully I can get pregnant again someday. I'm also really excited about that because I think it also affects my weight loss when my hormones are out of whack so I'm hoping that it will all help. We'll see...I just keep singing the song I learned in junior high in my head and it sometimes helps...TWO-THREE-FOUR- "I'm not judged by the number of times I fail, TWO-THREE-FOUR, But by the number of times I succeed, TWO-THREE-FOUR, And the number of times that I succeed is in direct proportion, to the number of times I fail and KEEP TRYING!!" He he he...


Penn and Kass said...

I learned that same song too! I loved it! I hope you get pregnant again someday too. Toby is so CUTE! He needs a sister ;-)

WHAT?! You never knew I loved Michael Jackson so much? Oh Ya...more than anyone in this world! I have loved him ever since I was little. When I heard he died, I was in shock. I took the day off work to watch his memorial service on T.V. I just sat on my coutch and cried and cried. I still can't believe he is gone :-(

Mrs... said...

Nicole, how many times does a baby try walking?? UNTIL HE WALKS! How tall does a tree grow? AS TALL AS IT CAN! I try to remember these things when I get frustrated, KEEP WITH IT! your doing so awesome! YOU WILL SUCCEED! and when you get pregnant... can I borrow maci?
Just kidding! (not really)