Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tomorrow I Face my Fears...

Well, tomorrow is the day I've been dreading for two weeks. Well actually, for two years now. I said how I haven't stepped on the scale since my 6 week post natal visit, which when I think about it was almost exactly two years ago to the day because Toby's been two now for about six weeks...Hmmmm...that's weird. Anyhoo, tomorrow morning after peeing and before putting on one ounce of clothes, I'm going to do it. Step on the scale and see that big, fat number staring me in the face that I just don't even want to know. I start to feel almost light-headed and like I'm going to hyperventilate just thinking about it (scalephobia)...Not fun. Not fun at all but I know it's important to know where I stand and start tracking it. I'm just going to weigh once every two weeks. It's time to face my fears so I've got to do it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!! I'll keep you posted on the terror!

I jogged my mile this morning. I almost didn't because Toby for some reason did not want me on the treadmill and kept crying for me to hold him but with much distraction I got him sidetracked long enough to get through it and made it the full mile. Whew! I've also the last two days upped my pace on one lap and it's taken almost 40 seconds off my mile. That means when I up the entire pace of the mile I'll be cutting off almost 2 1/2 minutes!

Today I ate a yogurt for breakfast with coffee and SUGAR FREE creamer. Lunch was a turkey sandwich and diet Pepsi and dinner was chicken tacos. I think I ate a couple little Sweedish Fish in there somewhere too and I had a twist cone on my way home from Springville. Not too bad... I wonder if I start to visualize the number on the scale that I want to see, if it will appear when I'm on it in the morning...We'll see...


Amanda Leigh said...

Well, thanks for putting a twist cone in my mind! That sound great! :) Good luck with the weighing in tomorrow. I'm envisioning low numbers for you....On Sunday I'm running a 5k (Race for the Cure) -- I wish you were with me!

Anonymous said...

Wow Amanda, that's awesome that you're running a 5k. I want to do that someday...Good luck and thanks for the encouragement...