Saturday, June 12, 2010

God just wants our HEARTS to be clean

I haven't done a weigh in for about two weeks because I wanted to really focus on my relationship with God and not be deterred at all by what the scale said. I will now go back to weighing in every Thursday so I can keep track now that I have my head straight and know that it's not going to deter me anymore.

So this morning I weighed and I had lost another two pounds bringing my total weight loss to 7 pounds! Now you might not think that 7 pounds is that much weight loss for two months of doing this but for me that is HUGE because I had not seen the scale even budge a half a pound for SOOOOOOOOOOO long (up or down) and really, really felt like I was stuck in a rut with my weight! But what has been the most amazing thing to me about the past two months is how much my eyes have been opened and how much my heart has been filled! I am FREE FREE FREE from ever having to even think about dieting, exercising, starving or roller-coasting EVER AGAIN!!! My heart has changed towards the food and God has FREED me from the DESIRE that I used to have to over eat! I used to run to food when I felt anxious or when I was bored and now I don't! Not only do I not run to it, I don't have the desire to!! I have never felt this way in my entire life! Sure my heart toward food had started changing the first time I did Weighdown years ago but because I never fully understood the number ONE most important thing that it teaches, it never changed completely. I can't believe how so very obvious everything is to me this time and I still wonder how I missed it all before. I was just trying to change my portions and listen to hunger and fullness before but I never worked on changing my HEART toward the food and that is why it didn't work. Then this verse that I had heard a thousand times hit me so hard and completely turned everything around for me which in turn, changed my heart:

Seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you as well. Matthew 6:33

When I quit worrying about the scale and stayed focused on what God was trying to teach me and show me, everything just started falling into place and the scale is going down! I have NO DOUBT at all in my mind that it's going to keep going down too until I'm to the healthy weight that God intends me to be at. I don't even question or worry or stress about it anymore because I am that confident in God and how He is changing my heart! I don't have to follow man made rules anymore!! I'm SO excited with this new found relationship with God! It's growing into a relationship that I have longed for and prayed for!

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalm 81:10

He has brought me out of the slavery of Egypt and is taking me to the promised land and I stand in total awe and wonderment of Him!

The following is an excerpt from the book Rise Above by Gwen Shamblin that I just finished reading. It was an amazing book and SO insightful:

We have spent all of our energy on cleaning up the wrong things. Jesus said not to take the splinter out of someone else’s eye when we have a log in our own. We must first take the log out of our own eye; then we can see clearly to remove the speck out of someone else’s eye (Matthew 7:3-5). We are scared of “unclean” things on this earth, but what SHOULD scare us are the unclean things that God reveals about our own hearts! The heart is what is greedy. The alcohol is not evil-God created it. The money is not evil. The food is not evil. Sex is not evil. Tobacco is not evil. It is the worship of these things that is evil. Worship is focus and adoration. We worship these things. It is what you are drooling over in your heart that should bring you to your knees…because you can get the alcohol out of the house or the fat grams out of the house, but you cannot run from your own heart and mind. And your heart and mind will face the Judgment Day. You must change and pray-pray hard-for a cleansing from the Father through Jesus Christ.

On behalf of people living in the last few decades, let’s concede that we have never been told that we have a heart problem. I have a master’s degree in foods and nutrition, and yet I never studied the greed in the heart of mankind. We only dissected the content of the foods and labeled each ingredient as clean or unclean. And again, my experience has been that most churches have bought into the man-made clean and unclean rules. Everyone - even in church - confidently and self-righteously preached that broccoli was righteous, and that brownies and ice cream were sinful. But now we know the truth. The food is clean-God just wants our HEARTS to be clean.

1 comment:

Jaime Kubik said...

WOnderful post, Nicole! I am so happy for you. I want to believe that I am there, but I know if I was completely out of Egypt, I would still see movement on the scales. I must fixate on the Matthew passage as well, "SEEK FIRST his kingdom!!"

Thank you for this post -- God bless you!