Friday, September 25, 2009

Chocolate? YES PLEASE!!!

Jogged my mile. Got some of my spring cleaning list done. Other than that, I ate like a big, giant rhinoceros today and quite frankly could care less! I felt ravenous and out of control and like I can't get enough chocolate into my diet. PMS? WHO THE HAY KNOWS! I wish Aunt Flow would just visit so maybe I would at least know why it is that I want to eat nothing but Extreme Mouse Tracks ice cream with chocolate syrup on top of it and crumbled chocolate on top of that and then chase it down with a big, giant glass of chocolate milk!

So I go in to say hi to Maci tonight hoping maybe seeing her might snap me out of this funk and get me back on track for tomorrow. Yep, seeing her there all skinny in those size 5 jeans did help to refocus me...for about one minute. Then I got all irritated at her big, white face and told her that I may have drank a glass of chocolate milk but she could just go ahead and drink a big, fat glass of "shut the hell up" and if she had a problem with it, I wouldn't hesitate to put her back into pieces and box her back up where she came from. Hopefully tomorow will be a better day. I do plan on finding some green tea gum to chew on so we'll see if that helps at all.


Tabitha said...

That is funny! and I like the new photo!

Mrs... said...

The best thing about her is how forgiving she is uh?? I don't think you could tell your trainer to shut the Hell up and then just pick right back up were you left the next day! She's there for you in any way you need her!

Nicole said...

So true! Thanks goodness..Although I think most trainers are used to getting a lot of crap from people too.