Monday, September 21, 2009

Snowball Effect

Well I started this blog two weeks ago yesterday. It was then that I was SO excited because of the motivation and little "spark" of something unexplainable that I had gotten from Maci. I am VERY happy to report that after two weeks of blogging, not only has my motivation NOT worn off, it has began to get stronger and stronger and I have gotten more determined then ever that I was right. THIS IS IT! Maci is going to be my secret weapon to weight loss once and for all!

Like I said before, it's not going to be a real quick thing because I'm not dieting. I'm making healthier choices throughout my day and I'm a RUNNER now too! Yes, I'm still only running one mile per day, but I've done it almost every single day since I got her and instead of getting bored like I usually do or start thinking "what's the point" and talk myself out of the entire thing, I'm getting MORE excited! I'm starting to notice a little bit of a difference in my jeans and I think my face may look just a little bit less chunky and has just a tad more definition! I will weigh again on October 2nd to see if I have lost any weight but for now, that is good enough for me.

I was a little bit frustrated last week because I was feeling SO bloated and puffy everywhere and thought for sure I was PMS-ing but being as I haven't had Aunt Flow visit in almost three years, I thought that was unlikely. I knew it was probably hormonal either way so I stuck with it and I'm glad I did. My legs (especially my thighs) have been a little sore but it's that sore feeling that I like to feel. The feeling that says, "you've been working out and big rewards are going to come out of it." Because I'm jogging a mile a day, I am now jogging 6-7 miles per week which is something I was not doing before and trust me, my body is taking notice! I also feel like I have a lot more energy then before and just kind of have that "get up and go" feeling more often! All in all, I feel as though I am on the right track.

I try to run every morning and one of the main reasons I've hardly missed a day is because it only takes me a total of 15 minutes to do the entire mile with a short warm up and cool down and I always can find 15 minutes in the morning to do it. I just do it without even thinking about it and before I know it I'm done and going on with my day and feeling great because of it!

Like I said in my first couple of posts, I really think the power of positive thinking is such an important part of anyone loosing weight. I am trying to stay focused and positive and whenever I start to feel myself getting down or discouraged I immediately stop and change my thoughts and start thinking positive instead. I think that is SO important. It also has helped me SO SO much to hear positive feedback and encouragement from people following me who have said that I have inspired them to work out or start eating better. I feel an obligation now to not only not let myself down, but I don't want to let anyone else down either. Knowing I have inspired even one person is enough for me to keep going. It's a snowball effect that started with that skinny bitch who is always here to remind me of how I want to look and who I have grown to really appreciate! Thanks Maci...One day those jeans will be mine!


Mrs... said...

one day they will be yours! You have inspired me also so THANK YOU! I walked 2 miles tonight, even though I didn't want to I DID IT! and your right, I felt GREAT after! Thanks and keep it up!

Tabitha said...

I need to listen to your advise... I am so tired all of the time and when I am not sleeping I have NO energy. I know that if I started to work out I would feel MUCH MUCH better! Thank you both!