Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"I know of no single factor that more greatly affects our ability to perform than the image we have of ourselves".- Tim Gallwey

Well before I got pregnant with my son I had started to jog. It's funny cuz whenever I would tell people that I was jogging I always would follow it up with "well, I don't go very fast and it's definitely not running, just a jog." Well all of that's changed this time (just like my butt size is finally going to) because I am reading a book called The Complete Book of Running for Women and in it I learned that the definition of running is:
To move the legs quickly; the one foot being lifted before the other is set down so as to go at a faster pace than walking; to cover the ground, make one's way rapidly in this manner.

The entire chapter that I am reading right now is all about the power of positive thinking (something Maci is already helping me with). It's saying that it is important to see myself as a runner and I will feel more confident and more powerful which will in turn fuel my excitement for running. If I were to just say "I am a jogger", like I always used to, it makes me feel wimpish and not special in any way. When I say "I am a runner", I notice that it boosts my attitude and makes me feel proud! When you feel self confident, your train harder, become a better runner and eventually running regularly will be easy! It goes on further to also talk about visualization (something Maci is also helping me with) and picturing myself as a strong runner. So I need to start reaffirming myself with this so her goes:
Yep, feel more like one already.
Well like I said, I went a bought a full length mirror today. I haven't yet had time to hang it but I plan on it tomorrow and as one of my followers recommended, I am going to put Maci up in the my closet in my bedroom where I dress every day right next to my full length mirror and see how that goes. Right now she's still in my front room.

I woke up and RAN this morning and it felt great. It is definitely already getting a little bit easier and I think by Monday I will be ready to add another 1/2 mile to my run. For dinner tonight I was really craving some good pasta to go with a red wine that I got but I didn't want something really heavy and fattening. I tried to call my sis Amanda for a good, light recipe but she didn't answer but then Jennie gave me one instead. It was really good. I sauteed garlic in olive oil and then chopped up banana squash, red and green peppers, broccoli and cherry tomatoes and cooked them for a little bit with the garlic and then mixed the entire thing with some bow tie pasta and added a bit of feta cheese. It was perfect. Not too heavy and loaded with good veggies. Furthermore it went great with the wine I choose.
So tomorrow I will hang my mirror and take a good, hard look at my(full)self in it. And only three more days until the big weigh in that I'm dreading. I've also decided that I'm going to start keeping a food log on here each day as well of every single thing that I eat. That way it holds me even more accountable because I won't want to write down that I've just eaten a bunch of crap and been a big fat pig for the day for everyone to see so I think it will help even more. Wish me luck...


Mrs... said...

Nicole, I AM A RUNNER TOO! I'm just running after the wrong shit! Time to change direction! your post made me want to go hop right on my tredmill and get moving! Can't wait to run tonight! thanks for your motivation and keep it up!

Amanda Leigh said...

Good job on believing in yourself! I sent you the running interval training. let me know how it goes for you. I'm doing my next run tomorrow morning. Can't wait! Yay for being runners!

Amanda Leigh said...

PS. Food logs can be REALLY helpful! I've done that too, but I haven't been doing it lately. I'll think I'll start again too.